Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 15, 2010 Harrison Festival - North to Canada

Six award winning Gospel and Blues performers joined together to present a soulful concert with narration about the travels of black slaves from the US to Canada. Many do not know about the Canadians, like their American cousins had slaves. Canada abolished slavery in 1833, but the US not until 1865. Hence during this period many American slaves escaped to Canada through a network of secret paths, referred to as the "underground railroad".

And many of the songs had secret meanings...“The river bank makes a mighty good road”: A reminder that tracking dogs are unable to track the scent through water.
Link to the history and meaning of phrases.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 14, 2010 Harrison Festival Childrens' Day

What incredible fun for Matteo and Marisa! The day was filled with stations to make all sorts of crafts, a climbing wall that Matteo went up about 20 times and an amazing entertainer. Julie and I were feeling a bit frazzled after 6 hours.

If liked my "boy hung out to dry" picture, attached is a picture of the entertainer replicating the action.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 10, 2010 Day 2 Harrison Festival of the Arts

Meet Julie, the star attraction of the Harrison Festival. I`m in love with her....but don`t let her husband find out.

July 10, 2010 Day 2 Harrison Festival of the Arts

There are many interesting people in this world, and I met someone new today...Jan Donaldson has been working as a craftsperson for over 30 years, and she is amazing! She has the most unique clothing I have ever`s a fashion creation worth exploring.

July 10, 2010 Day 2 Harrison Festival of the Arts

There are many amazing people in this world, and there are a few I have been fortunate to meet. One of those special persons is Anthony (Tony) Cowling. Tony was a prisoner of war in Indonesia without shoes and only a loincloth to wear. He was a 65 pound skeleton at the age of 21 when he saw freedom again. There is a lot of interest in Tony`s story, and he comes every year to the Harrison Festival of the Arts to sell his book and discuss his adventures in the Pacific War. Thank you Tony for sharing your story.

July 9, 2010 Day 1 Harrison Festival of the Arts with Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks

The start of the 2010 Harrison Festival of the Arts kicked off with Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks. A few weeks earlier my grandchildren were playing the Youtube video the Scatman. I had never heard of the term, but Don Hicks showed at his concert that he has the fastest lips. Check him out. I Scare Myself and How can I miss you if you won`t go away.

Friday, July 9, 2010

July 1, 2010 -- Canada Day at Harrison Hot Springs

Call us crazy...the day following our last day of work we coordinated the children events. We started this about 7 years ago, and many parents plan their vacation at Harrison around this event. The childrens events were discontinued for two years and the Village decided to add a little fun back into the Canada Day Celebration. The events include traditional races -- spoon and potato, sack, three-leg, water balloon toss and big-foot. There were over a 100 children participating, and there were many cheering parents and grandparents. Lots of fun for everyone and many parents capturing the moment on their cameras.

June 30, 2010 -- Onwards

After 35+ years of "clowning" around at our regular job in the circus, we have decided to explore new adventures. This blog will document those adventures.