Friday, September 27, 2013
Padron to Santiago de Compostela (24.9km)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Caldas de Reis to Padron (18.1km)
We have met many pilgrims along the camino and just noting that not all pilgrims have the same goals or physical abilities. Many are doing the distance by following a rigorous agenda - 20-30km per day with full gear, and some novice pilgrims, who may be inexperienced hikers, following a less rigorous trek - less gear and/or shorter daily distances. The minimum walking distance to earn a credential is 100km, therefore both pilgrim types will earn the same credential. I have to mention this in hope of encouraging blog readers to considering doing a camino.
Today's trek was through forest and vineyards, and a great stop for our morning coffee! The most excellent coffee in large cups. We arrived in Padron by early afternoon and had a great lunch. In such large portions, I don't think loosing weight is possible. Padron is a quaint little town with churches and convent, and a beautiful tree-line park. There are a few plazas where parents bring there kids to play. I had a chance to fake out a kid with his soccer ball. He was probably 8 or 9 years old and already with skills of Ronaldo. How they love their soccer in Spain.
Today's trek was through forest and vineyards, and a great stop for our morning coffee! The most excellent coffee in large cups. We arrived in Padron by early afternoon and had a great lunch. In such large portions, I don't think loosing weight is possible. Padron is a quaint little town with churches and convent, and a beautiful tree-line park. There are a few plazas where parents bring there kids to play. I had a chance to fake out a kid with his soccer ball. He was probably 8 or 9 years old and already with skills of Ronaldo. How they love their soccer in Spain.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Redondelato Pontevedra (18.2km)
Saturday, it seems like more weekend hikers hit the trails. It would be okay, but so do biking clubs/groups. The trek today was very picturesque but we had to be alert and avoid collisions with bikers, who amazingly were travelling at very high speeds. The trek covered mainly forest trails over two hills, hence we were under shade the majority of the day. We made a morning stop at a cafe as did a group of bikers, and I had an unfortunate accident with everyone watching. We sat on the patio and one of the chair legs of the chair I sat on was on top of a mat, and underneath was a hole. Well the chair tilted and there I was laying on my side in total shock not knowing what happened. Some people thought I broke the chair.
The temperature reached 30c, which is not bad under shade, but exhausting in the bright afternoon sun. Julie was exhausted as we made our way through town to find our hotel, which turned out to a great location -central, close to historic sights and many cafes and restaurants. A great place to stop and spend an extra day! We visited museums, churches, ate pastries and sipped wine. What a great day!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Valenca to Redondela
Valenca to Porrino (18km)
We crossed Rio Mino and entered Spain and with a time-zone change -advancing one hour. The start of today's trek was a little more difficult as the trail markings were fewer and farther apart. But we were able to get help from the locals. It was another enjoyable trek through forests. As we got closer to Porrino we stopped at the most interesting bar. A horse stable, still housing two horses, and various related objects used for the bar. The food and wine was also made locally.
Porrino to Redondela (16km)
Today's trek combined forest trails and country roads, under shade half of the time. This is our second day in Spain and I'm having difficulty switching from the Portuguese language general greetings. I'm sure we'll have the same challenges when we return to Portugal in a few weeks. Our plan today was to go to Arcade but after a big lunch we decided to stay in Redondela. There are only auberges in Redondela and no hotels, but Julie is very resourceful and found an apartment to rent for the evening.
Lima to Valenca
Lima to Kubiaes (18.1km)
We made our way across the old bridge and began our ascent of 400m elevation gain. We met many of the hikers from a few nights ago at various rest stops and cafes along the way. Today's trek took us through mountain villages, along country roads and scrabbling up mountain trails. It was the most difficult stage, so far, of the Portuguese caminho. We booked into our pension at about 2pm, showered and enjoyed lounging in the courtyard, sipping on vinho verde. At 7pm the local restaurant owner came to pick us up. We met many of the other pilgrims who were staying at the Albergue. We had a lovely dinner and treated ourselves with Portuguese flan, which is the best we've ever tasted. And after dinner we were driven back to our pension....what service!
Kubiaes to Valenca(16.3km)
The trek today had a slight elevation gain of 200m as we travelled through many mountain villages. It was an enjoyable trek as the trails took us through forests and the shade from the tall trees protected us from the hot sun. However it was sad to encounter a 2-3km stretch of the forest that was recently damaged by fire. As we arrived in Valenca the first sight was the fortress with its high walls that surrounds the old town. Valenca is the last Portuguese town in the Portuguese Caminho as tomorrow we will cross the Minho river and enter Spain and continue our trek to Santiago. The old town is a typical tourist attraction - a few churches and so many shops selling (surprisingly) children cuddly wear, nice bedding and, of course, souvenirs. Nice place to shop, but not a reason for us to stay another day.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Barcelos to Lugar do Corgos
We left the hotel by 8am to take advantage of the morning coolness. The trek continued to take us through farm villages, with a stop at 10am at a road cafe for coffee and apple strudel. It was a needed break as it was now starting to heat up. By 12 noon we still had 5km to go and running low on water. When we arrived at Casa de Fernanda we were all out of water and feeling very dehydrated, and given the news that the Albergue was "complete". This is a famous Albergue run by Fernanda and her husband. We arrived without prior booking, and even though they were full, they accommodated us by shuffling some of the other guests. And what a great time we had! As more guests arrived, out came more beer and wine, and appies. Fernanda sure knows how to treat her guests well. And the dinner was fantastic with BBQ, salad and potatoes from her garden, with wine also home-made. Dinner was followed by singing around the table while sampling port liqueurs. It was the most awesome experience.
Rates to Barcelos
The night at the Albergue was not pleasant. A big lady snored all night keeping everyone awake. Julie couldn't stand the noise and spent the early morning in another room reading. Up at 6:00am, breakfast and out the door by 7:20am. Seems insane but it is much cooler walking in the morning compared to 31C in the afternoon. It was a pleasant walk going through a more upscale part of the farmland, with many beautiful modern homes. And the town of Barcelos was equally beautiful. Entering Barcelos by crossing the medieval bridge and greeted by an 18th century church. Barcelos is popular with many tourists interested in visiting the churches and beautiful gardens. And there are no shortage of cafes - with 2-3 on every block. With the temperature reaching 31C there are lots of sodas and beer going down. Another great day!
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Vila do Condo to Sao Pedro de Rates
It was a much shorter walk today traveling through the rural areas. Mostly on country roads lined with corn fields and a few vineyards. And the aroma of farm life was present the entire way. We were delighted when we arrived in the tiny hamlet of Rates with one Albergue, one mini market, one cafe and one restaurant. Just enough of everything to meet our needs. It was a hot day with very little wind compared to the day before along the coast, but the thirst was quenched quickly by a cold beer. Albergues are so much fun as we are able to meet pilgrims - today from Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Austria and Italy. The food tonight at San Antonio Bar and Grill was excellent - salmon and pork dinners with chilled vinho verde for 13E.
Oporto to Vila do Conde

Oprto, Portugal

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