The day is bright and sunny and a local bar was just setting up for the day and made coffee for as. Without coffee Julie does not survive the morning. Today we happily climb hills, enjoying the river view and wild birds. After a steep climb we reach the point that is not on our map. Lucky there is a hotel in this out of the way place where we asked for help. Too bad we were going the wrong direction and we had to backtrack. This added 2km to our trek. At least we did this in the morning when we were fresh. We eventually cross the stone bridge, and head in the right direction. We are wondering how we missed the marker - a large yellow arrow. The trail is very beautiful and well maintained, we met more peregrinos and a hiking group of 50 from Valencia Spain, which gave us a cheer as we passed them. They were at a spot waiting for their bus to pick them up. In the last 9km we take the road, hence avoid more hill ascents and descents. There is a nice walking path along the road. We enjoyed lunch and a well needed break about 6km from our destination. Tired, but happy when we reached Colunga.
Julie, we're going the wrong way!
These are the storage huts for various vegetables.
The town Ribadesella from the hill, when we got lost.
This was the hiking group from Valencia, Spain. There were 50 hikers all talking. And their chatter echoed in the valley.
This local artist made this town a very interesting visit.
Great ocean views today!