September 26
To Luarca 18km
We slept in today because breakfast was not served until 8:30. Yesterday and today we were encouraged to visit the lookout to Cadavedo Beach. So in the morning, without backpacks, we took the 1km trek. I'm glad we did. It was an amazing sight, a rugged coast with sandy beaches. When we returned we got our backpacks and started the trek at 10am. The latest start to date. Today's Camino followed the coastline and the ocean was always in sight. We passed through a few small villages and today was exceptional for Julie. There were more homes to date with cats in the yard. One home had 15 cats/kittens. The owner brought out food so we could take a photo of all his cats. As we entered the town of Luarca we were worried at first because we could not see any hotel signs. But what a surprise when we turned the corner. Below in the harbour was a spectacular sight of fishing boats, hotels, bars, restaurants and apartments. We had found paradise!
Cadavedo lookout
Mud every where!
This dog was looking for attention, just like the cat was getting.
Shaun the sheep
Strange ears.