Friday, September 17, 2010

September 13 Formista to Carrion de los Condes

Today was probably the easiest walk, only 21km, and relatively flat, but the least interesting to-date. We discovered later that there was an alternative route we could have taken – a little longer, but much more interesting. Of interest today was the discussion along the way with different people. All with the goal of reaching Santiago, but time was less important. We all share the same end-goal, but we all have different reasons for being on el camino. And we all realize that very little is needed in the way of possessions to complete el camino, and many (including us) are carrying far too much of “non-essentials”. Our life to-date has been very basic and is following a rhythm – we get up, pack our bags, have a little breakfast and walk to the next destination, where we look for accommodations, eat and go to sleep. And by now walking 20km and repeating the cycle seems routine. The bonus is the interaction with fellow peregrinos, and we've met many interesting people. Some have quit their jobs and are thinking about their future; some are doing this for themselves to prove their independence; some have finished school and wish to complete el comino before starting their career; some have lost a loved one and are doing el camino in their memory; and some have retired and are completing el camino for self-discovery.

Carrion is one of the better towns we've visited so far – lots of shops, bars, restaurants and churches.

In the late afternoon we strolled to the Royal Monastery of Saint Zoilo and it was incredible! In the early years (5th century) the monastery was linked to the importance of the town – a distinguished religious and political centre. However from the 13th century on the monastery slumped economically and spiritually. It has gone through resoration and parts of less interest were sold to a hotel that has kept the monastery style. See Pictures>>

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