Thursday, October 4, 2012

Week 3 Varazze

Today all of Italy’s buses were on strike for the day. As we left Savona, there was a line up of cars 2 km long crawling into the city all the way from the nearby village of Albisola. There was one taxi in the line up and I’m sure that ride was an expensive one. It would have been easier and quicker for people to walk or take their bikes, which some were, but obviously not enough. This was a day to phone in sick. The trek today was another splendid one, walking the coastline and going through an old rail line tunnel. The towns in this region are all connected with well maintained walkways, which many people today were enjoying – including one large hiking group we encountered. We arrived in Varazze and booked into Hotel Lido that is located across from the beach, and what a spectacular view from our room! The town of Varazze is small compared to Savona, but bigger than other towns we passed today. There are many places to shop and eat, but like many other sea-side towns we wondered about the crowds during the summer months. It would be amazing to experience the hustle and bustle (and possible chaos) during that time. It is very quiet now and we wonder how so many restaurants survive during the low season.
Check out Picasa Week 3 photos Varazze (CTRL+Link to open in a new tab)

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