Saturday, September 9, 2017

Sept 6-7 Madrid

We're always anxious before a major trip and it's hard to sleep the night before leaving. To add to the anxiety, there is the fear of not waking up on time. But as always, everything went smoothly and we had a very interesting passenger sitting next to us - George from Victoria, who worked for BC Stats and therefore we had some common interests. We talked the entire trip from Toronto to Madrid, which passed the time very quickly. And what a coincidence, he was staying in the same building as us, but a different hotel.

Without any sleep on the plane we arrived feeling like zombies, but knew we had things to do before we could take a nap. First order of business was the tourism office to get directions and map to get our passport (Compostela) for the camino and the bus station to get to Pamplona (our camino starting point). Once done, off to the supermarket for some refreshments. And, boy did we sleep well once our heads touched the pillow! At about 5pm, off to see the town, but still feeling a little drowsy. Dinner was early this evening and back to the room to relax.

El Corte Ingles Supermarket with the Star Wars Theme

Day 2 we were feeling much more alert and after breakfast off to Orange Mobile to buy a SIM card for our phone. Little did we know it would be a 4-hour ordeal! Before leaving for Spain I confirmed with our phone company that the phone was unlocked, but after purchasing a SIM card for $30 I was informed that the phone was locked.  Then the adventure began with Virgin Mobile Canada. Because of the time difference I needed to wait until the Canadian offices were open and then being transferred to three different departments. Eventually the phone was unlocked and the new SIM card inserted. A time for celebration! Off to the Mexican Factory restaurant for a burrito and margaritas. Yes, the Mexican culture is making its way into Spanish life. There are many more Mexican restaurants and Mexican foods in super markets.

High price hotel with rich guests. This old racing car has no space for luggage.

A very shiny hood!

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