Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sept 19, Santillana 20km

Today's blog is by Julie....The morning is cool but bright and after stopping for coffee the jackets come off. Mario is much perkier today. The trail varies - narrow paths, secondary roads following the train tracks, and a rougher trail through grazing land with cows next to us. The highlight of the day for me was holding a little kitten. There were four other cats but they were afraid of people. The last 5km to Santillana was up hill in the hot afternoon sun. 

What a relief getting to our hotel and then off to explore the town. There are many tour buses and no surprise. Santillana is a well preserved medieval village with churches, government buildings and hotels. Even newer buildings incorporate stone construction, and through our trek we saw where much of the stone for these buildings came from. One of Spain's blemishes are the many mountain quarries.

A local women telling me to stand here to get a better picture.

This a a highlight of the day for Julie.

It's interesting how detail cats are with their cleaning. Getting it between the toes.

Only 550km to Santiago! Oh my, this is going to take time.

5km to go, let's do lunch!

The town of Santillana. Lots of tourists and therefore lots of souvenir stores and cafes.

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